







PHOTOS: Woman Celebrates Honeymoon With Husband Cleared for Murder And Released After 26 Years in Prison

In 1986, about a year after Mia and Mark met, Mark was arrested, convicted and sentenced to life without parole for a murder he has now been cleared from. Last October, lawyers proved he had nothing to do with the crime and he was released.

CBS news caught up with the couple three months later, and it was their honeymoon. They had been married almost 20 years, but this was the longest amount of time the couple were spending together. This is the true meaning of "Love is patient and endures all things..., not the type force-fed to some women in abusive marriages.

Watch the video below...

Wedding in the Prison

At Home With Sons and Grandchildren

Mark knows not many women would wait around like Mia did -- especially considering they weren't even married when he was arrested.

Mia said, "I never gave up, never."

"They got me for 27 years,” Mark said, “but I got Mia."

Mia, who works at a beauty parlor, says she knew he was innocent and she was pregnant with his child at the time. So she stayed with him, drove five hours round-trip every week to visit.

Asked why he didn’t tell her to move on, Mark said, “I did. I said, ‘I think you deserve better than this. This is not a normal life. It's not a normal setting’."

Mia recalled, “I didn't need to seek out nowhere else because my heart was where it was supposed to be."

Once Mark realized Mia wasn't going anywhere, he proposed. They got married in the visiting room. Mia raised their son alone and helped raise his two other boys from previous relationships. The woman is clearly a saint.

Mia joked that she knows Mark owes her big time. So what does she want? A double oven. “He knows I like to cook,” she said. “That's all I need. He's home. That's all I ever wanted. That's all I ever wanted from him."

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