







Meet the 52 year old cougar who has dated over 250 boy toys

A 52-year-old woman who has never married or had children has laid claim to being the UK’s top cougar – a title she wears with pride.
Businesswoman Juney Smith has dated more than 250 toyboys since she turned 30 .
Juney, from St Albans, Herts., says it keeps her young and that men her age or older either can’t offer what young men can or have no idea how to ‘date properly’.
She said: "I have always dated younger but really focused on it from the age of 30. Among the guys I’ve gone out with were teens lads aged 18 to 20.
"I haven’t looked back since. I tried dating men my own age but they are boring, bad in bed and frankly not eager to please.

"Plus after a divorce they return to the dating scene and simply are out of their depth. They have missed out on a generation of dating changes", says the Queen of the Cougars.To be clear dating 250 plus men doesn’t mean I have slept with them all. Some I've had coffee with, some just drinks, others we’ve gone to a party. "I have slept with some and some I have had a longer relationship with,” said Juney, who in her spare time is preparing for an amateur comedy theatre production
Juney admits that dating men who are younger than her is an obsession and addiction.
She said: “They make me feel young, I have fun with them, and they keep me on my toes.They know how to enjoy life and what many women might find surprising is that young men are extremely sexually adept and if not they’re eager to take direction, “she explains.
 I am ‘sex positive’. That means I feel sexy, like to look good and enjoy sex with the right man and am not afraid to talk about it.I enjoy sex but before that I have to date. I consider my approach to men very American.
"By this I mean accepting invitations for dinner and outings with up to three to four men, separately of course, over a week.You don’t just date one guy until you decide to become ‘exclusive’.”

According to Juney, men often mistake her for between 30 and 35 years old.
“Most of the men I date admire my sense of fun, style and the fact I am not after marriage and kids. When you’re a cougar you need to date younger guys who know the rules from the start.
"The main one is the relationship won’t be long term but we will enjoy each other’s company and a lot of the time doesn’t involve sex.
“For me it also means I never know what’s around the corner. The guys I date range in age from 18 to 45.
 So many women who find themselves divorced in their 40’s and 50’s have to sit back and watch while their ex-husbands marry a new younger wife and they are left desperately bumbling around trying to date an older man. "I tell these women: ‘Don’t look for a long term relationship – have a giggle and some fun and surprise yourself and date a younger man. You don’t have to sleep with them or even kiss them but have some fun and you’ll realise you are good looking and shouldn’t be dismissed’.
Culled from UK Mirror

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