







TECH:'Google saved my life': Hairdresser suffering an 'infection' for six weeks diagnoses mouth CANCER after looking up symptoms

Caroline Greaves, 46, discovered after using Google that her mouth pain and lumps in her neck were due to oral cancer
A woman had to diagnose her own mouth cancer using the internet after doctors said she had an infection.
Caroline Greaves, 46, who had symptoms including difficulty swallowing, a sore mouth and earache, was given six weeks of antibiotics but they had no effect. 
Certain something was wrong, she typed ‘oral cancer’ into Google.

The mother of one said: ‘All the symptoms matched apart from one, and that was little white lines on the inside of your cheeks. I had a look in the mirror and there they were.’
Mrs Greaves, a hairdresser, went back to her GP but claims that he dismissed her concerns. She insisted on a hospital referral, and a week later tests showed she had an advanced form of rare tonsil cancer that had spread to her saliva glands and lymph nodes on her neck. She said: ‘Google is an amazing thing. It definitely helped save my life.
‘If it hadn’t been for that, I wouldn’t have had the evidence to take to the doctor’s. I’m glad I was strong enough to tell him I knew it was cancer and needed to see someone at hospital.’
Mrs Greaves, who lives with her husband Damian, 44, and son Ben, eight, had eight weeks of gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy but still struggles to eat and drink and has to be fed through a tube.
Mrs Greaves underwent eight weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions. Image shows a cast being set around her face to create a mask for radiotherapy treatment
Mrs Greaves underwent eight weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions. Image shows a cast being set around her face to create a mask for radiotherapy treatment

After undergoing radiotherapy (pictured), she now struggles to eat and drink and has to be tube-fed
After undergoing radiotherapy (pictured), she now struggles to eat and drink and has to be tube-fed

Chocolate and fruit taste rancid because her taste buds have been damaged by the treatment.
She said: ‘I force myself to eat every day because I have to get my throat muscles and tongue working.’ She has switched to another GP near her home in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
A partner at her original surgery said that he could not comment on  individual cases but added: ‘We don’t get everything right every time – we are not infallible. If a patient has particular concerns, we ought to be addressing those concerns.’
He added that while ‘some doctors hate patients coming to them having Googled something’, there is ‘nothing wrong’ with the practice.
‘It’s a source of knowledge but the problem is it’s not always the correct knowledge for that patient,’ he said.
Dr Kat Arney, of charity Cancer Research UK, said: ‘We would encourage people to know what’s normal for them and to discuss any symptoms that are new, and happen most days, with their GP. And if symptoms persist, to keep going back to their doctor.’
Mrs Greaves is celebrating her full recovery with an event on Saturday for Cancer Research UK’s Big BBQ Weekend. She has raised £1,300.
Mrs Greaves - with son Ben - is now in remission and has changed her GP surgery
Mrs Greaves - with son Ben - is now in remission and has changed her GP surgery
source from uk daily......

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