







Maheeda is bad news to gospel music – Sandra Ifudu

Maheeda is bad news to gospel music – Sandra Ifudu

She’s new on the scene but already looking like a good bet that may bring in good tidings. Sandra Ifudu, gospel and inspirational singer once said she wanted to be better than her aunt, Dora Ifudu, who reigned in the 70s and 80s for her unique voice and music, and with the release of her first single ‘Let it Go’ she may just be on the gravy train to fame.

Not the one that would disarm you with brazen sexuality but Sandra has a unique beauty that gets to you like an infection. Her cherubic face has a touch of vulnerability you want to reach out to protect just as the almond forget-me-not eyes haunts your soul. Then when she speaks, the caressing soprano voice stirs something in you and you know you are in trouble – very big trouble!
Talking about her own brand of music, Sandra told Potpourri she does more of inspirational songs than gospel songs. “It is the same thing. The only difference is the message. I just want to sing about meaningful things without sounding gospel. I don’t intend to sound gospel at all. I’ll use sercular beats and all. Even my mode of dressing and lifestyle won’t be boring,” she said.

But she was quick to add that her not being boring does not include flaunting her sexuality aggressively. “You know it is normal for me as a lady to want to wear revealing clothes sometimes. I believe all women feel like that sometimes. But I will not deliberately choose to expose my body to sell my music because I believe my talent and good looks can take me to wherever I want to go,” she added.

On singers like Maheeda using sex to sell their music, Sandra said she would never be caught dead doing that, saying one should practice what one preaches. “Well, I am of the opinion that whatever you preach or talk about, you should at least be able to put it into practice to make it believable and doable. Even though I am not in any position to judge, I’ll say people like Maheeda are bad news to inspirational or gospel music because you can’t be preaching one thing and doing another thing”.

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