







Shonda Rhimes Slams The New York Times For Calling Her An ‘Angry Black Woman’

The New York Times recently published an article that was supposed to be how Shonda Rhimes has changed the landscape for Black women on TV, but the writer unfortunately veered off course, calling Shonda and her characters, “Angry Black Women”. The article starts as follows;

“When Shonda Rhimes writes her autobiography, it should be called ‘How to Get Away With Being an Angry Black Woman. On Thursday, Ms. Rhimes will introduce ‘How to Get Away With Murder,’ yet another network series from her production company to showcase a powerful, intimidating black woman.”Titled, “Wrought In Their Creator’s Image.” the article focuses most on Scandal and the new HTGAWM and their stars, Kerry Washington and Viola Davis.

The biggest mistake starting from that title is that Shonda did not create HTGAWM, but rather a white man, Pete Nowalk. Shonda has already taken to Twitter to put the writer, named Alessandra Stanley, in her place.

She also took offense at the part of the article that said;

“Ms. Rhimes is a romance writer who understands the need for more spice than sugar; her heroines are mysterious, complicated and extravagantly flawed, often deeply and interestingly. They struggle with everything except their own identities, so unconcerned about race that it is barely ever mentioned.”Shonda's tweets below...


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