Grand Malt wins another Monde Gold Award for the 2nd successive year

Grand malt has again emerged awinner of the prestigious international Monde Gold Award for taste and quality. The malt brand which is brewed byPabod Breweries Limited, a subsidiary of SABMiller Plc in Nigeria has now bagged thisaward for the second successive year. This was made known at the Monde awards ceremony recently held inBrussels, Belgium.
The Monde selection is an international award that recognizes quality brands drawn from across the world fortaste and quality after critical evaluation by an independent jury.
Commenting on the award, Head Brewer of the SABMiller Group in Nigeria, Mr Ray De Power established that the company’s adherence to reliable quality assurance earned the brand the deserved recognition.
Hefurther stated that Grand Malt is a premium malt drink poised to re-define nourishment and vitality. “We use the best quality ingredients and world class processes to ensure that consumers are consistently offered the highest quality product every time.” He added.
Speaking on the award,the Marketing Director of SABMiller in Nigeria, Mr Chris Wulff-Caesar affirmed that the Monde Gold Award truly reinforces the fact that Grand Malt is brewed to international quality standard which ensures that we deliver a creamy and nourishing malt drink to our consumers time after time.
He further assured that the company will not relent on its commitment to ensure thatour consumers are satisfied with the various SABMiller brands. “It is particularly powerful for Grand Malt to earn such recognition in a competitive market like Nigeria.”
In 2014, Grand Malt is one of the three brands from the stable of SABMiller in Nigeria – after Hero Lager and Trophy Lager - to receive this prestigious award. A development some industry watchers say buttresses the commitment of the global-player to quality and excellence in its operations
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