







Question of the day: Can You Share A Car Ride With A "Stranger"?

 It’s funny how fuel costs have increased these days. Someone can no longer buy fuel in peace as our petrol stations sell fuel when they like and black market is expensive. My people ‘how we go do’?

So I heard about this ride sharing website called on a radio interview. The site allows people to share rides with other members of the site going in their direction.

Let me break it down: If you are driving from one city to another or within a city, you can offer to share your ride with others going your way for an amount that can cover your fuel cost. If you need a ride, instead of using bus or cab, you join someone on the site driving in your direction.

According to the lady in the radio interview, it is cheaper than taxis and buses as it is not for people to make profit but reduce their travel cost. She mentioned a member on the site with a Hyundai that offered a ride from Ikorodu to Yaba for N300. There's also a ride from Benin to Lagos for N1500.

The first thing that came to my mind was “security” and people called in to ask how secure it is. Let us not go and enter “one chance” right?. The lady mentioned there are verification levels in place, they have a support team, you can view members’ profile and choose who you share a ride with.
I think it’s quite interesting because it will help reduce traffic, reduce travel cost and it is more affordable. There’s also the chance you’ll get to meet interesting people (maybe one’s future wife or husband… I’m on the fence with this one but what do you guys think of this whole concept. To ride or not to ride? Will you try it out?

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