







9-year-old boy starts lemonade stand to pay for his own adoption (Photos)

A nine-year-old boy has begun a lemonade stand in a bid to raise funds for his own adoption.
Tristin Jacobson's biological mother left him on the doorstep of a shelter four years ago in Missouri.
That's when Donnie David was called and told about the young boy - ever since then she's been looking after him.
But now Tristin, who loves living with Donnie and her husband, is determined to be adopted by the caring foster mum.
The family are unable to afford the legal fees however - so Tristin is taking action.

He began a lemonade stand in a bid to raise the required $5,000.
 When the story was covered by local newspaper Springfield News Leader however, his story went viral and people began chipping in.He has now smashed his fundraising target, with $14,000 being raised.The extra money that has been raised will go towards Tristin's college education.

Daily Mirror

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