







Ex-model suing Saudi billionaire ex-husband for £196M reveals her astonishing list of demands

A divorced supermodel suing her ex-husband for £196million broke down in court today while revealing her astonishing list of demands.
Former Pirelli calendar girl Christina Estrada wants the cash for various expenses, including yearly Wimbledon tickets and Christmas dinners, from her Saudi billionaire ex-Sheik Walid Juffali.
The 54-year-old's emotional appearance in the High Court this morning was punctuated with table-banging, comfort breaks and tears as she was questioned on her requirements.

At several points during the morning session, she snapped at Justin Warshaw QC, representing Dr Juffali, and said:

“I am Christina Estrada. I was a top, international model. I have lived this life. This is what I am accustomed to.”

She later claimed she was filing for divorce to “stand up for women” and insisted that although her lifestyle was perceived as “extraordinary, wonderful, magical”, that it was a “hard life full of responsibilities”.
Mr Warshaw said: “You are claiming for 55 pairs of boots and shoes, at a cost of £58,000 every year. Can you not see that that is a lot of money?”
Ms Estrada replied:
“Not really. That is what they cost. That is the standard I am used to.”
Asked why she was claiming for £78,000 to buy two new watches every year, she said that she currently had a “collection” of 35 watches and she needed them because “it depends what I am wearing and needs to go with my outfit”.
Mr Warshaw said: “What are you planning to do with your £195m?”
Ms Estrada said:
“Well, I have given it a lot of thought. I want to keep it safe, and I want to do good work.
"I have always been interested in charity, philanthropy - and I love humanitarian causes. But at first, I must establish a base so my daughter and I can be happy.”
 Ms Estrada also wants more than £55million for a new country house, telling the court she would be unable to live in a £6.5million Belgravia property because she might have to share a floor with her staff.
The court today heard her astonishing demands, some of which included annual payments of:
  • £1.02million for clothes and jewellery including £40,000 for fur coats
  • £58,000 for 54 pairs of shoes, including seven pairs just for white tie events at a cost of £21,000
  • £50,000 for Christmas dinners
  • £28,000 for three Wimbledon tickets
  • £10,000 so she can attend Elton John's annual white tie ball
  • £12,160 for a 'holiday entertainment budget' for 76 days holiday a year
  • £26,000 for a mobile phone
  • £93,793 on beauty treatments - including 52 facials, 44 manicures and 52 massages
  • £2.1million annual travel budget, including nearly £600,000 to charter private jets
The Daily Telegraph

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